Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Who Is  Barry Taylor-
He is a portly bloke from the country and has the attitude of a sly crock. Trusting in this guy is like jumping into a crock infested river up north and hoping for the best because in the end you either get dragged under or you swim like hell to get away from him.
The portrait of a man who will use anyone and anything to gain wealth and position and will go on gently squeezing his clients out of their cash just like any other scum bag lawyer we all have heard of so many times. He is the lowest of his kind, he is the worst of his kind because this guy works with public servants who are as crook as he is and they all rip off the tax payers and the unsuspected.

Successful –Yes- Honest –well that depends on the legal definition of honest or honesty and usually is based on never got caught or was ever prosecuted for anything. But in dealings with the simple down to earth Ausie – well this is where Barry is an excellent user of the unsuspected dumb asses. 

Now lets see what this guy looks like
Yes he is a bit portly to say the least !
Must be all those lunch time deals he is always getting into and charging his clients for the costs of the lunch.

Wealthy-Yes and getting wealthier by the day with is charming and sly approach to getting what he wants most of the time for nothing. Well what are you going to do? Take him to court? It costs a lot of money to win and in the case of Barry -V - YOU guess who wins out in the end the sly slime ball lawyer, it all a closed club with these guys, that's how they get rich.

Barry Taylor – certainly can boast a lot about his credentials, so can our Prime Minister and our state premier.
At the end of the  day they are all liars and bull shit artists who just want power at any cost.

Barry is a habitual liar who can not tell you the truth if it killed him.
He's been lying for so long he now believes in his own bull shit.
Now how is this for a brown nose slime ball fat pig who keeps out of jail by bribing everyone he can.

WOW just look at his CV - how impressive is this???

Represented national sporting entities (the Super League Clubs) and News Limited in the long running and complex litigation (associated with Trade Practices Act 1974, fiduciary duties and intellectual property) surrounding the Super League case necessitating appearances and representation for the Federal Court, Full Federal Court, and High Court of Australia.
Represented a diverse range of clients regarding issues in accordance with the provisions of the Income Tax Assessment Acts of 1936 and 1997.
Represented major media (print and electronic) corporations in defence of and restriction of exposure to defamation actions, human resources and intellectual property.
Practised extensively in the area of health management and private and public hospitals.
Acted as a Director of and adviser to Government Owned Corporations with regard to the powers of the Government Owned Corporations Act 1993.
Advised regularly in trade practices, anti trust and Australian Competition and Consumer Commission actions.
Retained to provide advice and strategy for the largest rural (cattle, land and beast) acquisition in Australia.
And so on ------

Well if this does not impress you what will?
Barry is a typical slime ball lawyer who crawls up everyone’s arse and gets what he wants in the end and does not give crap about who gets hurt or goes broke while he gets rich. Some would say he is very clever, but is it clever the way this man acts or is it a genetic disorder? 
  • He has no integrity,
  • no self esteem,
  • no conscience,
  • no empathy
  • no idea of honesty and very little shame, but then most Lawyers train to be scum bags don't they?
  • and by the looks of this guy, not much charisma at all so good luck to this legend of a man who has to pay hookers to his little member because no self respecting woman would want to do much with him in any case.
So there you have it my friends-
If you are a slime bag - or a slime ball - like Barry Taylor you'll get what you deserve in life- a small dick - fat gut- short legs - and the best you can hope for is that your money outlast your character so you can buy friends and a little pleasure in you groin from hookers to give you a BJ when you can get away with it or a little boy once in a while in India or Thailand or when no one is looking a sheep or a goat. 

 Well just watch out and never do any business with this sly fox he will con the piss out of you and if you do not like it take him to Court -what a joke.

Oh yes and if he thinks I can be held libel for what I say, think again slime ball I have the freedom of speech on my side in good ole US of A and besides I don't believe the poor little head would want to come down to my neck of the woods in South Florida.
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IS THIS THE SAME BARRY TAYLOR???I invested 10,000.00 with Mr. Taylor over a year ago to invest in the forex market. I was told that it had gained about 10% in 6 months. I requested my funds and it was supposed to take 60 days to get them. I was then told the balance had lost 50%. It has now been 9 months and i have gotten 25% of my money and a whole lot of broken promises. I never got any documentation and suspect that I was a victim of a ponzi scheme. We will never know.